Lower Cliffview Falls is a Talus Classic Cascade measuring 4 metres (13 feet) in height and 3 metres (10 feet) in width. It is located on a branch of the Chedoke Creek, and has water flowing over it year round.
Lower Cliffview Falls is half of “The Double Waterfall at Chedoke Golf Course”, and is featured on the poster “Waterfalls of Hamilton Autumn”.
This Double Waterfall, which includes Cliffview Falls, is very unique, as the water flowing from both of these waterfalls merge together into one stream.
How to get there
Drive to the Chedoke Golf Course and park in the parking lot. Just beyond the west end of the lot, behind a chain link fence, the Double Waterfall is visible from the Chedoke Radial Trail. If you want to get up close to it, you have to go up the path between the fence and the concrete building on the left when facing the falls. When you reach the end of the fence carefully come back down the other side to where the path is almost level with the creek. It’s a little drop down to the creek.
There is no trail and it can be slippery and dangerous, so be careful.
Lower Cliffview Falls Photo Gallery