If you cant make the illumination in person tonight then watch it live via the internet compliments of Joey Coleman, something very special is going to happen!!!!! http://new.livestream.com/joeycoleman-ca/events/2768620 … [Read more...]
New Years Eve illumination at Tiffany Falls
We will be ringing in the new year this evening at Tiffany Falls, lights on at the stroke of Midnight, we will have 50 lamps totalling 1.25 Billion candlepower, our largest and brightest illumination in history there!!! Dress like you are at the North Pole, not going to the mall!!! Tiffany has some great ice formations starting to form, bring a camera a friend, a food donation … [Read more...]
Great Falls illumination tonight at 8pm
We will light up great falls tonight at 8pm, as part of our holiday waterfall illuminations!!! Volunteers bring a shovel if you could, there has been zero maintenance there this year with a few minutes we can make the stairs safe. Great Falls is on Waterdown Road, look for our sign!!! Dress warm, wear proper shoes with traction, dont dress like you are going to the mall!!! … [Read more...]
Waterfall illumination tonight at Cliffview and possibly Westcliffe tonight at 8pm
Okay folks conditions are perfect for a historic waterfall illumination in Hamilton for tonight and possibly tomorrow night as well. This is a " technical test" illumination, which means it is a first, so we promise nothing, but invite you out to see what we can do with it!!! We will attempt to light up Cliffview Waterfall, and you can view it from the new viewing platform!!! … [Read more...]
Winter Holiday illumination tonight at Sherman Falls at 8pm
Waterfall illumination tonight at Sherman Falls, lights on at 8pm, dress warm, volunteers please show up at 730pm to haul in the lamps, bring your cameras and enjoy our holiday season illuminations!!! www.cityofwaterfalls.ca … [Read more...]
Waterfall illumination
Stay tuned we are looking at doing a waterfall illumination, possibly tonight!!! … [Read more...]
Tonights illumination at Sherman Falls at 7pm is a go!
Hope to see you tonight at Sherman Falls for the 1st of our series of Christmas Holidays illuminations, lights on at 7pm !!!! Should last till 8pm or as long as we have battery power!!!.. Dress warm, boots are mandatory lots of snow!!! … [Read more...]
From our Albion Falls illumination, the food trucks donated $100 dollars, this d…
From our Albion Falls illumination, the food trucks donated $100 dollars, this donation was matched by Hamilton's own Keyser Soze for a total of 200 dollars to the Neighbour to Neighbour Centre. … [Read more...]