Albion Falls illumination tonight approx 830-930pm, please bring a food donation #hamont #cityofwaterfalls Please RT more … [Read more...]
A tentative waterfall illumination tonight at 8pm it all depends on the weather…
A tentative waterfall illumination tonight at 8pm it all depends on the weather and rain, could be 9pm, or cancelled altogether, stay tuned, it will be at Albion Falls, Hamilton bring a food donation please, weather is a mixed bag of all things, roads are passable but slushy, albion has opened up and is flowing nicely lots of snow on the trees will make for some great pictures, … [Read more...]
Albion Falls caught in a snowstorm of beauty ! #hamont #hamilton #cityofwaterfalls
Albion Falls caught in a snowstorm of beauty ! #hamont #hamilton #cityofwaterfalls more … [Read more...]
Sherman Falls illumination tonight at 8 pm. Please RT #hamont #cityofwaterfalls
Sherman Falls illumination tonight at 8 pm. Please RT #hamont #cityofwaterfalls more … [Read more...]
We might do a test illumination of Devils Thursday night and then a public displ…
We might do a test illumination of Devils Thursday night and then a public display friday or saturday all depending on the conditions, stay tuned more … [Read more...]
A late Christmas present…..LOL
A late Christmas present.....LOL more … [Read more...]
The new batteries are here!!!! Whoot whoot !!!
The new batteries are here!!!! Whoot whoot !!! more … [Read more...]
Live from Albion falls !!!! #hamont #cityofwaterfalls
Live from Albion falls !!!! #hamont #cityofwaterfalls more … [Read more...]
Thanks everyone Laurie Brown just dropped off another 88 pounds of food to the f…
Thanks everyone Laurie Brown just dropped off another 88 pounds of food to the foodbank that we collected, thanks Laurie and thank you to all the people that are donating the food bank at our waterfall illuminations!!!! more … [Read more...]
Okay we have the 1812 room booked for this Sunday at 12 Noon at the Ancaster Old…
Okay we have the 1812 room booked for this Sunday at 12 Noon at the Ancaster Old Mill, form up there a quick meet and greet then on the trails!!! who is coming??? more … [Read more...]