Lower West Cliff Cliff View Right now.... Lights on until 9... Or until the batteries run out. ...read more … [Read more...]
We will be doing an illumination tonight of lower westcliffe/cliffview and possi…
We will be doing an illumination tonight of lower westcliffe/cliffview and possibly westcliffe itself. You can access this from up top and view westcliffe at cliffview park, or down below at the golf course. Lights on at approx 8pm till 9pm, might get on earlier even at 745 depending on darkness. For those that want to venture up close and personal, again do not dress like you … [Read more...]
Well today I ventured out to the small and historic hamlet of Troy, for years I…
Well today I ventured out to the small and historic hamlet of Troy, for years I have been dreaming and planning something very special here for everyone. Troy is located west on Hwy 5 just before the Brant County line. We will run some test illuminations hopefully Monday and Tuesday nights ( Private no public allowed) followed by some later on that you will really enjoy. In … [Read more...]
Three original paintings just completed by Kathryn Smith
Three original paintings just completed by Kathryn Smith ...read more … [Read more...]
With Spring just around the corner and the heatwave coming Monday and Tuesday, e…
With Spring just around the corner and the heatwave coming Monday and Tuesday, expect to see a lot of our frozen waterfalls spring to life and some of the karst-like ones as well. Some to especially pay attention to are the little ones that don't see much life except in major rain events or the spring thaw. In the Albion Falls area for example, look for Pritchard Falls, Walnut … [Read more...]
The minions are setting up the lights at the Devil's Punchbowl. Should be illumi…
The minions are setting up the lights at the Devil's Punchbowl. Should be illuminated shortly! ...read more … [Read more...]
Our first illumination at devils. #hamont
Our first illumination at devils. #hamont ...read more … [Read more...]
Friday night in honour of our troops, we will attempt to illuminate the "Ice Vol…
Friday night in honour of our troops, we will attempt to illuminate the "Ice Volcano" or as the ladies have put it " The Devils Wedding Dress" ( I put the word Devil in there..meet me half way here folks....LOL ) in red in recognition of Red Friday. This will be the 1st time we have attempted to light her from down below, so if the melt tomorrow does not make it to slippery … [Read more...]
A better picture from tonights test illumination, 100 million candlepower did th…
A better picture from tonights test illumination, 100 million candlepower did this, when we move to a darker colour like this it sure changes things !!! This was a new Gel Filter we have not used before Lee Gel Filter # 106. See you tommorow night, you wont get many more times to see Sherman like this until next winter!!! #hamilton #hamont #cityofwaterfalls ...read … [Read more...]
Live from Sherman Falls!!!! Lee Gel Filter # 106, a test with this new colour t…
Live from Sherman Falls!!!! Lee Gel Filter # 106, a test with this new colour tonight many thanks Chad and Amanda!!!! #hamont #cityofwaterfalls ...read more … [Read more...]