Griffin Falls, also known as Heritage Falls, is located on a small tributary of the Sulphur Creek and classified as a Washboard Classical Cascade. It stands 5 metres (16 feet) high and 2.4 metres (8 feet) wide.
This waterfall has some interesting history. It is known as Griffin Falls because Enerals Griffin (1784-1878) bought 50 acres of the surrounding property from George Hogeboom in 1830. Griffin, who was born in Delaware, was believed to be a runaway slave from Virginia. He married his wife Priscilla when he arrived in Ancaster in 1833. Their only known child was a son, James Griffin (1833-1917) who became a well known veterinarian in the Ancaster area. The land remained in the Griffin family until 1988 when it was purchased by the Hamilton Conservation Authority. The Griffin House has been preserved as a museum depicting Griffin’s life there and slavery in general.
Griffin Falls has been featured on the poster “WATERFALLS OF HAMILTON SEASONS” with a trickle of water flowing during the winter.
How to get there
Griffin Falls is located behind the Griffin House (on Mineral Springs Rd.) along the Homestead Trail. To view this waterfall, there is parking (a small fee) at the Hermitage ruins on Sulphur Springs Rd. at the intersection of Mineral Springs Rd. At the rear of the parking lot follow the Homestead Trail to Griffin Falls.
Griffin Falls Photo Gallery